Get Facebook to show feature image for your Blog's Homepage
Facebook seemingly exclusively uses Open Graph protocol ( og:image ) tags to determine which image to feature. As a result, sharing your content to Facebook from blogspot has no image or a broken image for the homepage. To fix this, you can explicitly specify the feature image on feed pages. Select your image, and copy the URL Go to Template => Edit HTML Search for the 'all-head-content' tag Underneath that tag, add the following XML, replacing [Your image URL] with the URL of the image you want to feature. Note: Make sure to leave the single AND double quote-marks wrapping the URL. <b:if cond='data:view.isMultipleItems'> <b:with var='image' value='"[Your image URL]"'> <meta property='og:image' expr:content='resizeImage(data:image, 1200, "1200:630")' /> </b:with> </b:if> Resizing the Feature Image If the image you have uploaded is host...