Add Whatsapp sharing to the new templates
Blogger's sharing options include Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest - some of the more popular platforms - but Whatsapp is missing from the list. This article describes how you can customize the markup of your Blog gadget, to include Whatsapp in the sharing buttons list to include Whatsapp. Note: Though the concepts in this article are re-usable elsewhere, it is written assuming that you are using one of the new Themes - Contempo, Soho, Emporio or Notable. For Dynamic views, visit the Dynamic views whatsapp instructions . Head to Theme => Edit HTML , and use the Jump to gadget helper to jump to Blog1 . Update the sharingButtonsMenu includable The sharing buttons for a post are defined in the sharingButtonsMenu includable, which is called as part of the stack from the postShareButtons includable, which can be toggled on and off in the Blog Posts settings (under the 'Share Buttons' byline). To add Whatsapp in the mix, we want an extra line item ( <li...