Add a Page to my Dynamic Views Blog

Or: So, How do I add a link to the navbar in my Dynamic Views Blog

The Pages concept changed a while ago in Blogger, and now it's not necessarily straight-foward to add a Page to your links section. The instructions here cover it for the most part, but it's a little out of date, so here's a quick re-cap on the two major use-cases, when you're using a Dynamic Views Blog.

Step 0: Adding a Pages Widget
You can't even add your pages to a Pages Widget until you've got one in your Blog. Unlike most of the Blogger templates, a lot of the rendering for the Dynamic Views Blogs is done client-side, so there's much less control for which sections and widgets are displayed.

However, the Dynamic Views blogs do use the Pages Widget to determine whether to show all the View configurations in the nav-bar, or whether to compress the views into a dropdown and show the Pages links.

Notice that there's really only the one section visible?

Hit 'Add a Gadget' and choose the 'Pages' widget. If your pages have already been authored and are ready-to-go, select the ones you want and order them accordingly.

If you load your blog again, you'll notice that it's changed from


(or similar, depending what you selected!)

Use Case 1: Adding an External Link

If you're wanting to link to an external website, the option you want to pick is '+ Add external link'. Enter the text for the link, and the URL.

Pages that exist show on the left, external links can be added here.

Use Case 2: Adding a Page Link

The other common use case is, of course, linking to a static page within your own blog. Pages that you've authored in the 'Pages' tab (essentially exactly the same as Posts) will show up in the list of selectable options on the left.


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